Download my
'Balanced Body Guidelines'

This is not a strict or set diet, it is a way of life! No fads, no cutting food groups and no extreme dieting. I am so excited to now be able to show you exactly how I have changed my own life for the better by following the simple guidelines within this E-Book. I am striving to help you to create a positive relationship with food by giving you the facts and details on what has worked for me and many others. Knowledge is Power! So treat yourself today to a great read which is going to help you in making the necessary changes towards being the happiest and healthiest version of yourself!
Included topics;
My food philosophy, my definition of balance, calories, macronutrients, fibre, bodyweight and comparison to others, spot reducing, self-motivation, daily water intake, alcohol, tea/coffee/beverages, how many meals per day, how to construct a meal, my favourite foods (carbs, fats, protiens), my weekly shopping list, how to cook foods in the healthiest possible way, reducing the cost of your food bill, understanding nutritional labels, meal examples and recipes (breakfast/lunch/dinner), Ashley's average day of eating, tips for those who lead busy lives, how to select meals when eating out, cravings, fad diets, pre and post training nutrition, my chosen supplements, binge eating, quotes to live by, cheat meals and frequently asked questions.
Things you need to know;
- This file is in PDF format. It is compatable with most devices however if you are having trouble reading it there are alot of free PDF converters on the internet.
- Once recieving the 'confirmation of purchase' email containing the E-Book download link you will be allowed to attempt the download a maximum of 5 times. It is also important to note that the file will expire after 3 days (72 hours) of the purchase. So please make sure before purchasing that you are able to download successfully within this timeframe.
- I suggest downloading the free 'iBook' application onto your phone. When you open the file click on the icon on the top right of the page, this will save the E-Book to your iBook library.
- This is not a set diet plan. It is the way i personally maintain a healthy and balanced diet and so much more.