If you've been on instagram lately I'm sure you will have seen this stunning ladies photos being posted. 'Censki' has skyrocketed to a huge 100k adoring followers and she deserves it.. The advice she gives her followers is spot on, she knows what she is talking about and there is great quality in her content. With an absolutely rocking bod and awesome personality there's no wonder she's killing it. So here is my little chat with Censki...
So many are inspired by you, but tell us what inspires you every day??
Like minded people who are passionate about health and fitness and being the best they can be everyday! Also the 2 most amazing men in my life, my fiancé and my dad inspire me everyday to be a better person :)
You have a masters in fashion, what are your thoughts on women's activewear these days?
Love them! Favorites have to be Nike and Stella McCartney. Obsessed with neons at the moment and Nike is just killing it with their new free run colors, prints & designs!
If you had one week to spend however you pleased, how would you spend it?
Hands down on an island with my fiancé chilling, tanning, sipping on fresh coconuts!
You give out a lot of excellent information to your followers, do you have any advice to others on how to find information they may be seeking?
Be pro active and do your research! There are lots of great articles online and books you can get to read up on anything you're unsure about! There is so much to learn about your body, health and nutrition!
If you could invite any 3 people join you for a dinner party who would you choose?
Christine Centenrena, fashion editor of Vogue Austalia, Emmanuelle Alt, Editor in chief of Vogue Paris and her assistant stylist Geraldine Saglio. I know this is not fitness related AT all but they are my ultimate style icons, and extremely influential women in the fashion industry, and fashion has been a big passion of mine for many many years.
We absolutely love your fitness page, but tell us 3 things un fitness related about yourself that we don't know yet?
I'm getting married to my best friend and soulmate next April! Luckiest girl ever, so excited!
I was born in Singapore, lived in Bangkok for a 3 years where I went to an International high school, and have been rliving in Melbourne for the last 7 years. As a result my accent is a weird hybrid of Aussie/American lol.
I'm abit of an ink addict, I've got 4 tattoos at the moment but dying to get more!