Do you find that in summer you start craving beautiful fresh, light and chilled fruits instead of those heavy (and slightly naughty) winter comfort foods? If you're like me and you have a bit of a sweet tooth then this smoothie is perfect for you! It is full to the brim of antioxidants and all the vitamins and minerals that Mother Nature has to offer..
What you'll need-
- 150g strawberries
- 50g frozen mixed berries
- 1 small carton of coconut water (I've used H2coco)
- 300g of watermelon
- 2 teaspoons of BodySciece imureds antioxidants
- 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
- a handful of fresh mint leaves
Smoothies are so quick and easy, all you then need to do is blend!
If it's a warm day I suggest adding some ice cubes to your smoothie to keep it beautiful and cool. As you're drinking it imagine all of those amazing antioxidants entering your body and doing wonders for you.
A xx
If you'd like to receive an exclusive discount on the BodyScience 'imureds' aswell as the rest of their products please visit-